Wanna scream and shout it out loud
Wanna look at the world with the eyes of a child
Wanna enjoy the warmth of a sunny afternoon
Wanna be surprised by life every day again
But mostly I wanna be free…
Wanna wait for true love
For this one person that knows me better than I know myself, or maybe in a different way, to surprise me day after day
Wanna be free from the feeling of desire,
Freed from longing and waiting in the dark hours
Wanna smile at silly things, about my mistakes and make them again
And I wanna learn, always and every day
To be myself, know my limits and be true
To who I really am and choose what’s best
I wanna buy fancy things that I don’t need
Then give them away to the one who does
I wanna stay and not run from hurt
Wanna see hurtful past as bittersweet memories
And I wanna ask why
I want to ask you why? Why didn’t you want to love me?
Why did you make me believe that you did?
And why do I still think about you?
I wanna have faith, that I will feel again
Feel with all my heart, and fall
Fall hopelessly in love, without fear, but trust
Trust myself in falling, because I know I will always be there
And I could never loose myself
Only in the arms of the one who keeps me safe